Version 1.4.8: Fixed computer speed

Hello again!

In this update, I tried to fix an issue that came up after increasing the drop speed in version 1.3.1.

While the speed change made the game feel better, it also made the CPU much more aggressive. To balance things, I’ve now added a delay between each button press for the CPU. This should bring the difficulty level back closer to how it was originally. It should also be more welcoming for new players.

Here is how it was, dueling against Finepen in the original version:

How it became after version 1.3.1:

And here is how it looks now, in version 1.4.8:

I hope this adjustment makes the game more enjoyable! As always, don’t hesitate to let me know how you find the game!

Files v1.4.8 12 MB
89 days ago

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